11月6日(金)の夕方に,Prof. Jorge SolisおよびDr. Gunnel Fredrikssonによる特別講演会を開催致しますので,奮ってご参加下さい. 詳細は下記の通りです(pdfファイルはこちら).
日 時: | 平成27年11月6日(土) |
会 場: | 東京工業大学・大岡山キャンパス 石川台3号館3階304号室(工学系会議室) |
Seminar 1
Title: | Towards the development of a multi-purpose assistive robot vehicle |
Lecturer: | Dr. Jorge Solis, Associate Professor, Karlstad University |
Abstract: | At Karlstad University, we have proposed the development of a multi-purpose human-friendly robot for assisting elderly persons as well as assisting care givers. The focus of the research is embodying perceptual (sensing the incoming stimuli), cognitive (processing the incoming stimuli) and bodily-kinaesthetic (response to the incoming stimuli as a result of combining perceptual and motor skills) capabilities. Due to the complexity of the proposed research, two assistive robots vehicles are under development at Karlstad University: an intelligent carrying-medical tools robot vehicle (Solis et al., 2014) and a human-friendly assistive robot vehicle for supporting physically elderly (Solis et al., 2015). The human-friendly robot vehicle for carrying-medical tools (iCAR) is composed by a mobile robot vehicle with on board sensors, and two-actuated and four-passive wheels. On the other hand, the human-friendly walking assistive robot vehicle (hWALK) is composed by a two-wheeled inverted pendulum mobile robot, a 3-DOFs desktop haptic interface, a mobile computer and a wireless module for communication purposes. A PID controller has been implemented for the stability control and preliminary experiments were presented to verify the stability of the two-wheeled inverted pendulum. |
Seminar 2
Title: | Overview of Research Areas in Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Karlstad University |
Lecturer: | Dr. Gunnel Fredriksson, Lecturer, Karlstad University |
Abstract: | The presentation will give an overview of research areas at the department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Karlstad University, Sweden. Most of the courses at advanced level are given in English and are open to exchange students. The research at the department is mainly conducted within the multi-disciplinary research group “CMM, Characterizing and modeling of materials ? from nano to macro”. Here scientists from different disciplines; materials engineering, materials physics, mechanics and manufacturing, are working together. Focus areas in research are fatigue, tribology, solar cells and new carbon-based nanomaterials. Examples of applications in these research areas will be explained in detail. |