The Second International Jc-IFToMM Symposium in conjunction with the Twenty-fifth Jc-IFToMM Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms
Special Issue: "Selected Papers from Advances of Japanese Machine Design"


October 25 (Fri) - 26 (Sat), 2019
Oct. 25 (Fri) : Technical Tour
Oct. 26 (Sat) : Symposium and Technical Networking Event
JC IFToMM Member | 5,000 JPY |
Student | 2,000 JPY |
Other IFToMM MOs member | 10,000 JPY |
Non member | 15,000 JPY |
(including the printed proceedings, technical networking event, technical tour)
Program in pdf format: (click here to download)
Technical Tour on October 25 |
AIST Tokyo Water Front Collaboration Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
2-3-6 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0064
(3 minutes on foot from Yurikamome Line, Telecom Center Station)
Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
(8 minutes on foo from Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line, Hongo 3 chome Station)
9:55 |
Meet at entrance of AIST Tokyo Water Front Collaboration Center
Visit AIST Tokyo Water Front Collaboration Center
Afternoon |
Visit Yoshihiko NAKAMURA and GoYAMAMOTO lab Akio YAMAMOTO lab,
The University of Tokyo
Evening |
Wine party |
Please register by October 18 via the following WEB site
Symposium and Technical Networking Event on October 26 |


Room A416 and A417, Area 2 Building-A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
10 minutes on foot from Odakyu Line (both semi-express, and local trains), Ikuta Station
Registration at reception desk
Opening Address by Atsuo TAKANISHI, President, Jc-IFToMM (Waseda Univ., Japan)
Robot Control (8:50 - 10:30)
Chair: Yoshihiko NAKAMURA (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
8:50 |
Low-cost Localization for Mobile Robot with Fiducial Markers
*Andrea BOTTA (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and Giuseppe QUAGLIA
9:10 |
3D Swarm Intelligence by Concentric Sphere Model
*Keita GOTO (Kogakuin Univ., Japan). Hideaki TAKANOBU, Yo OAKU, Kenji SUZUKI, Shohei KANEDA and Hirofumi MIURA
9:30 |
Adaptive Optimal Predictive Control System for Cognitive Manipulator Robots based on Human Engagement/Intention and Deep Dynamic Perception
*Liz RINCON(Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, Japan), Florian FILLOL, Enrique CORONADO and Gentiane VENTURE
9:50 |
Development of Expressive Intelligence Controller during Collaborative Tasks between Human & Robot
*Seiji YAMAGUCHI(Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, Japan), Liz RINCON-ARDILA and Gentiane VENTURE
10:10 |
Development of Disaster Response Robot for Extreme Environments
- 33rd Report: Crawling Motion Generation for All Direction Moving based on Stability and Foot Movable Range of a Four-limbed Robot -
*Takashi MATSUZAWA (Waseda Univ., Japan), Xiao SUN, Hiroshi NAITO, Keisuke NAMURA, Takehiro SATO, Kota TERAE, Masatsugu MURAKAMI, Shunya YOSHIDA, Akira ITO, Takahisa JONDO, Astuo TAKANISHI and Kenji HASHIMOTO(Meiji Univ., Japan)
Bio break (10:30 - 10:50)
Special Lecture (10:50 - 12:10)
Chair: Yukio TAKEDA (Tokyo Tech, Japan)
10:50 |
Introduction of Activities of IFToMM Italy
Prof. Giuseppe QUAGLIA, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
11:30 |
Whole-body Control of Humanoid Robots in Multi-contact Scenarios
Prof. Milutin NIKOLIC, Univ. of Novi Sad, Serbia / Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
Luncheon (12:10 - 13:40)
During Luncheon, Jc-IFToMM Annual Meeting 2019 (12:20 - 13:30)
Address from president: Atsuo TAKANISHI (Waseda Univ., Japan)
Chair : Gentiane VENTURE (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
Session 2 : Dynamic Analysis of Mechanisms (13:40 - 14:40)
Chair: Atsuo TAKANISHI (Waseda Univ., Japan)
13:40 |
Energetic Analysis of Industrial Robots for Pick-and-place Operations
*Fabrizio VIDUSSI(Univ. of Udine, Italy), Paolo BOSCARIOL(Univ. of Padua-Padova, Italy), Lorenzo SCALERA(Free Univ. of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy) and Alessandro GASPARETTO(Univ. of Udine, Italy)
14:00 |
Design of a Testbench for Validating Multibody Flexible Models Aimed at Reducing Oscillations in Parallel Kinematic Machines with Flexible Links
*Stefano BRILLARELLI(Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy) and Matteo PALPACELLI
14:20 |
Dynamic Analysis of Walking with Cane for Elderly People Using Model with Dynamic Pair
*Soichiro MATSUDA(Tokyo Tech, Japan) and Yukio TAKEDA
Bio break (14:40 - 15:00)
Session 3 : Welfare Devices (15:00 - 16:00)
Chair: Gentiane VENTURE (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
15:00 |
Development of a Knee Joint Assist Suit with a Velocity-based Mechanical Safety Device (Study of Control Method)
*Keisuke IKEDA(Tokai Univ., Japan), Tsubasa KANEDA, Atsushi KANETA, Yoshihiro KAI, Kenichi SUGAWARA(Kanagawa Univ. of Human Service, Japan), Masayoshi TOMIZUKA(Univ. of California, USA), Tetsuya TANIOKA(Tokushima Univ., Japan) and Kensaku TAKASE(Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital, Japan)
15:20 |
Design of an Elbow Joint Assist Suit with a Compact Velocity-based Mechanical Safety Device
*Tsubasa KANEDA(Tokai Univ., Japan), Keisuke IKEDA, Atsushi KANETA, Yoshihiro KAI, Kenichi SUGAWARA(Kanagawa Univ. of Human Service, Japan), Masayoshi TOMIZUKA (Univ. of California, USA) , Tetsuya TANIOKA(Tokushima Univ., Japan) and Kensaku TAKASE (Tokushima Prefectural Central Hospital, Japan)
15:40 |
Kineto-static Analysis of a Wrist Rehabilitation Robot with Compliant Elements and Supplementary Passive Joints to Compensate the Joint Misalignment
*Ying-Chi LIU(Tokyo Tech, Japan) and Yukio TAKEDA
Bio break (16:00 - 16:20)
Session 4 : Mechanism Design (16:20 - 17:40)
Chair: Yoshihiro KAI (Tokai Univ., Japan)
16:20 |
Automated Kinematic Analysis of Planar Link Mechanisms
*Tatsuya YAMAMOTO(Tokyo Tech, Japan), Nobuyuki IWATSUKI and Ikuma IKEDA
16:40 |
Linkage and Cam Design with Mechanism Developer (MECHDEV)
Mario MUELLER(RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany), *Mathias HUESING, Agnes BECKERMANN and Burkhard CORVES
17:00 |
Improvement of an Origami Based Extendable Mechanism with a Modification of Folding Diagram so as to Have a Tapered Shape
*Hiroshi MATSUO(Tokyo Tech, Japan) and Yukio Takeda
17:20 |
DMG-LIB: The Digital Mechanism and Gear Library as a Basis for an IFToMM Archive
Torsten BRIX(Technical Univ. Ilmenau, Germany), Ulf DOERING, *Burkhard CORVES(RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany)
Closing Address by Nobuyuki IWATSUKI, Vice President, Jc-IFToMM (Tokyo Tech, Japan)
Technical Networking Event (18:00-19:30)
including Awarding Ceremony for Young Investigator Fund Best Paper Award
Venue: 3rd Floor, Restaurant Building SQUARE
Group photo at the symposium site