News in the past

Technical session program of the 24rd Jc-IFToMM symposium

Technical session program of the 24th symposium has been uploaded.
Please check the detail from the above link. Pdf file is also available.

** Precautions of the symposium site **
  1. Prepared video cable for the projector only supports VGA (Mini-Dsub 15pin). Please prepare other cables or adaptors by yourself, when necessary.
  2. Regarding the Wifi connection, Eduroam is available in the symposium site.
  3. The symposium site is approx. 5 minutes on foot from the 1st exit of Todai-Mae sta., Tokyo Metro subway Namboku-Line. Enter from the Agri. Gate and come to the Food Science Bldg. behind the Agri. Bldg. 3.
    Symposium site, Nakashima hall, is located on the 1st (ground) floor of that building. Please also take a look of the campus map at

(2018-5-18 updated.)

June 1 (Fri), 2018
Venue Nakashima hall, Food Science bldg., Yayoi campus, The University of Tokyo.
Special session Technical introduction session of industrial companies:
Poster session of technology introduction from industrial companies. Submission of proceeding paper in advance is not required. Please send your name, affiliation and title of the talk via E-mail (destination address is same to the general submission procedure).
Registration fee is 5,000JPY (including proceedings and wine party), and registration due date is May 30 (Tue).
Submission procedure Please send the following information to the following secretariat by E-mail (
(1) Name of the first author
(2) Name of the speaker
(3) Birthday and year of the speaker
     (for the Young Investigator Awards evaluation)
(4) Title of the paper
(5) E-mail address of a representative
(6) Abstract in 200 words
Application deadline
March 16 (Fri), 2018
The deadline has been extended!
Notification of acceptance
March 23 (Fri), 2018
Submission of final paper
March 30 (Fri), 2018
Templates PDF     MS-WORD
Call for papers pdf
Copyright transfer form pdf


International symposiums in the year 2017 and 2018 new!

In this year, the following two symposiums will be held.

    2nd International Symposium on the Education in MECHANISM AND MACHINE SCIENCE
    DateNovember 23-24, 2017
    PlaceMadrid, Spain
    Important datesFull paper submission: 15.07.2017
    Notification of acceptance: 25.09.2017
    Final paper submission: 13.10.2017
    CFPpdf file

    International Symposium on Robotics & Mechatronics 2017
    DateNovember 29 - December 1, 2017
    PlaceWestern Sydney University’s Parramatta (South) Campus and Parramatta City Campus, Australia
    Important datesOpening call for paper submission: 13 March
    Full paper submission close: 2 July
    Review reports sent back to authors: 6 August
    Early bird registration opens: 3 September
    Paper acceptance notice to authors: 3 September
    Final paper submission: 17 September
    Early bird registration closes: 1 October
    Registration closes: 30 October
    CFPpdf file

In addition, the following two symposiums will be held in the next year.

  • RAAD2018: 6-8 June 2018, Conference and Cultural Center, University of Patras, Greece, IFToMM Sponsorship application form is ready. Contact: Nikos Aspragathos, University of Patras,
  • SMMM 2018: 14-16 June 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. Flyer has been received, and letter of support will be issued. Contact: Aleksandar Veg(
  • ReMAR 2018 (4th Int. conf. on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots): 20-22 June 2018, in Delft (NL). Contact: Just Herder(
  • RoManSy2018: 25-28 June 2018, Rennes, France. Contact: Vigen Arakelian (, National Institute of Applied Sciences
  • ARK: 1-4 July 2018, Bologna, Italy. Contact: Vincenzo Parenti Castelli (
  • MESROB 2018: 4-6 July 2018, Cassino, Italy. CFP has been distributed. Letter of support has been sent. Contact: Giuseppe Carbone(, University of Cassino and South Latium
  • MEDER 2018: 11-13 September 2018, Udine, Italy. CFP has been uploaded at Contact: Alessandro Gasparetto, DPIA - University of Udine,
  • AsianMMS 2018: 13-14 December 2018, Bengaluru, India. Waiting for the detailed information. After getting the information, a support letter will be issued. Contact: G. K. Ananthasuresh(, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India


Technical session program of the 23rd Jc-IFToMM symposium

Technical session program of the 23rd symposium has been uploaded. Please check the detail from the above link. Pdf file is also available.

Additional notice:
(1) Opening time of registration desk will be 8:30, not 8:00.
(2) Program has been revised so that laboratory tour and Annual meeting are swapped.

Annual meeting: (previous ver.)18:10-19:00(revised ver.)11:10-12:00
Laboratory tour: (previous ver.)11:00-12:00(revised ver.)18:10-19:10

(3) Membership encouragement campaign
At registration desk of the symposium, one can also take a admission procedure for Jc-IFToMM. For whom accomplished the procedure, membership fee of this year (5,000JPY) will be exempt.

(2017-6-2 updated)

International symposium ISEMMS2017

2nd International Symposium on the Education in Mechanism and Machine Science will be held in this November at Madrid, Spain. Please check the following information.

Date Nov. 23-24, 2017
Place Madrid, Spain
Important dates Full paper submission: Jul 1, 2017
Notification of acceptance: Sep 15, 2017
Final paper submission: Oct 15, 2017
Call for papers pdf


June 9 (Fri), 2017
Place Ellipse, 3rd Floor, Multipurpose Hall, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.
Special session and lecture (tentative)
In the 23rd symposium, two special sessions and lecture are planned as following:

Special session 1:
Theme: Humanoid and Related Technologies
Moderator: Prof. Atsuo TAKANISHI (Waseda Univ.)

Special session 2:
Theme: Analysis and Design of Mechanisms
Moderator: Prof. Yukio TAKEDA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Special lecture1:
Lecturer: Prof. Mathias HUSING
Dept. of Mechanism Theory and Dynamics of Machines,
RWTH Aachen University
Title: Concepts of IFToMM D-A-CH Workshop
Special lecture2:
Lecturer: Prof. Burkhard CORVES
Dept. of Mechanism Theory and Dynamics of Machines,
RWTH Aachen University
Title: On Actual Developments of Mechanism Science in Germany (D), Austria (A) & Switzerland (CH) based on IFToMM D-A-CH Workshops
Technical introduction session of industrial companies:
Poster session of technology introduction from industrial companies. Submission of proceeding paper in advance is not required. Please send your name, affiliation and title of the talk via E-mail (destination address is same to the general submission procedure).
Registration fee is 5,000JPY (including proceedings and wine party), and registration due date is May 30 (Tue).
Submission procedure Please send the following information to the following secretariat by E-mail (
(1) Name of the first author
(2) Name of the speaker
(3) Birthday and year of the speaker
     (for the Young Investigator Awards evaluation)
(4) Title of the paper
(5) E-mail address of a representative
(6) Abstract in 200 words
Application deadline April 1 (Sat), 2017
Notification of acceptance
April 8 (Sat), 2017
Submission of final paper
May 10 (Wed), 2017
Templates PDF     MS-WORD
Call for papers pdf
Copyright transfer form pdf


Announcement of a support event new!

An Jc-IFToMM support event, the 3rd Society of Regenerative medicine and Rehabilitation, has been announced.


Program of the 22nd Jc-IFToMM symposium

The 22nd Jc-IFToMM symposium will be held on July 30 (Sat) at Conference Room, 1st Floor, No.55 North Bldg., Waseda University (Nishiwaseda Campus). Technical program of the symposium has been announced. For more detail, please see symposium page.


July 30, 2016 (Sat)
Place Waseda University, (Conference room is going to be assigned.)
Submission procedure Please send the full paper (PDF file for electric submission) with a cover sheet including the following information to the following secretariat by E-mail (
(1) Name of the first author
(2) Name of the speaker
(3) Birthday and year of the speaker
     (for convenience of the Young Investigator Awards reviwing)
(4) Title of the paper
(5) E-mail address of a representative
(6) Abstract in 200 words
Application deadline May 23 (Mon), 2016
Notification of acceptance
May 27 (Fri), 2016
Submission of final paper
June 24 (Fri), 2016
Templates PDF     MS-WORD
Call for papers pdf
Copyright transfer form pdf


Mini symposium at TokyoTech

 A mini symposium will be held at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Three international speakers will give presentations. Please check the detail as followings. Pdf file including the program and abstructs can be downloaded from here.

Date and Time:
  Dec. 1 (Tue), 2015, 15:00-17:30
Place: Ishikawadai 3rd Building, Room No. 304, Ookayama Campus,
Tokyo Institute of Technology (map)
15:00-15:10 Opening Address
Haruo Houjoh, Chair of Japanese Council of IFTOMM, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Robotherapy: Mechatronic devices for assisting the rehabilitation of human extremities
Dr. Eduardo Castillo-Castaneda, Professor, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
15:55-16:40 Design and Optimization of Small Rotational Piezoelectric Wind Energy Harvesters for Different Load Types and Working Conditions
Dr. Ying Yang, Visiting professor, The University of Tokyo, Professor, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
16:40-17:25 Introduction of the Precision Mechatronic Systems Developed at Taiwan Tech
Dr. Fang-Jung Shiou, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
17:25-17:30 Closing address

Photo gallery
Opening address by Prof. Takeda (left) and Prof. Houjoh (right)
Prof. Castillo Prof. Yang
Prof. Shiou Group photo

Romansy2016 (Udine, Italy)
Name of symposium:
21st CISM IFTOMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (ROMANSY2016)
Date: 2016年6月20日〜23日
Place: Udine, Italy
Submission deadline: Dec. 15, 2015
CFP: pdf file
Web site:

Special seminar 2015

Special seminar will be held on the evening of Nov. 6 (Fri). The details are as following (pdf flyer).

November 6 (Fri), 17:00-18:30
Place: Room 304, Ishikawadai-3rd bldg., Ookayama campus,
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Seminar 1
Towards the development of a multi-purpose assistive robot vehicle
Lecturer: Dr. Jorge Solis, Associate Professor, Karlstad University
Abstract:    At Karlstad University, we have proposed the development of a multi-purpose human-friendly robot for assisting elderly persons as well as assisting care givers. The focus of the research is embodying perceptual (sensing the incoming stimuli), cognitive (processing the incoming stimuli) and bodily-kinaesthetic (response to the incoming stimuli as a result of combining perceptual and motor skills) capabilities. Due to the complexity of the proposed research, two assistive robots vehicles are under development at Karlstad University: an intelligent carrying-medical tools robot vehicle (Solis et al., 2014) and a human-friendly assistive robot vehicle for supporting physically elderly (Solis et al., 2015). The human-friendly robot vehicle for carrying-medical tools (iCAR) is composed by a mobile robot vehicle with on board sensors, and two-actuated and four-passive wheels. On the other hand, the human-friendly walking assistive robot vehicle (hWALK) is composed by a two-wheeled inverted pendulum mobile robot, a 3-DOFs desktop haptic interface, a mobile computer and a wireless module for communication purposes. A PID controller has been implemented for the stability control and preliminary experiments were presented to verify the stability of the two-wheeled inverted pendulum.

Seminar 2
Overview of Research Areas in Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Karlstad University
Lecturer: Dr. Gunnel Fredriksson, Lecturer, Karlstad University
Abstract:    The presentation will give an overview of research areas at the department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Karlstad University, Sweden. Most of the courses at advanced level are given in English and are open to exchange students. The research at the department is mainly conducted within the multi-disciplinary research group “CMM, Characterizing and modeling of materials from nano to macro”. Here scientists from different disciplines; materials engineering, materials physics, mechanics and manufacturing, are working together. Focus areas in research are fatigue, tribology, solar cells and new carbon-based nanomaterials. Examples of applications in these research areas will be explained in detail.

Program of the 21st Jc-IFToMM symposium

Program of the 21st Jc-IFToMM symposium is uploaded.
You can also download it as a pdf file.

July 18, 2015 (Sat)
Place Room 304, Ishikawadai-3rd bldg., Ookayama campus,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Submission procedure Please send the full paper (PDF file for electric submission) with a cover sheet including the following information to the following secretariat by E-mail (
(1) Name of the first author
(2) Name of the speaker
(3) Birthday and year of the speaker
     (for convenience of the Young Investigator Awards reviwing)
(4) Title of the paper
(5) E-mail address of a representative
(6) Abstract in 200 words
Application deadline April 10 (Fri), 2015
Notification of acceptance
April 17 (Fri), 2015
Submission of final paper
May 15 (Fri), 2015
Templates PDF     MS-WORD
Call for papers pdf
Copyright transfer form pdf


Deadline extension of IFToMM world congress

Deadline of IFToMM world congress has been extended till Feg. 10. Detail can be found in here.

Special lecture by prof. Jorge Solis from Karlstad University, Sweden

Special lecture by prof. Jorge Solis will be hold at Tokyo Institute of Technology as following. This special lecture is organized by Super-Mechano-System Innovation and Development Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology and approved by Jc-IFToMM.

Date Nov. 12 (Wed) 17:30-18:30
Place R325, Ishikawadai 6 bldg, TokyoTech
Lecturer Prof. Jorge Solis
The Robotics Society of Japan; IEEE; ASME; The Mexican Society on Mechatronics; International Computer Music Assocation
Co-Chair of the IEEE/RAS TC on Biorobotics
Co-Chair of the IEEE/RAS TC on Roboethics
Member of the IEEE/RAS TC on Haptics
Humanoid Robots, Biologically-Inspired Robots, Medical Robots and Systems, Education Robots, Human/Robot Interaction, Rehabilitation Robots, Haptic Interface Control and Force Rendering, Computer Vision, Tele-operation Systems, Gesture Recognition Systems.

Call for papers of ISRM 2015 has been announced as following:

Dear ISRM 2014 Participants and Supporters,

I would like to share with you the CFP for ISRM 2015 (pdf file is available).

The conference will be held on 23-25 Jun 2015 in Poitiers (France).
Please visit for more details on The 4th IFTOMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics.

- Albert

Deadline of MeTrApp2015 has been extended as followings:

Dear colleagues,

the online conference service tool for submitting your contributions is only available since a few days. Therefore the deadline for the submission of your MeTrApp 2015 paper was extended until Friday, October 31, 2014.

Please use the following link for the submission:

This link will guide you to the author guidelines:

We are looking forward to your contributions!
Thank you and best regards

Burkhard Corves, RWTH Aachen University

Next IFToMM world conferenth will be hold in Taipei, Taiwan during Oct.25-30, 2015. Website for paper submission has already been opened, and the deadline is Jan. 15, 2015. There are 13 Technical Committees in IFToMM as following, and submitting papers relating to those fields are widely welcomed.
  • Biomechanical Engineering
  • Computational Kinematics
  • Gearing and Transmissions
  • Linkages and Mechanical Controls
  • Micromachines
  • Multi-body Dynamics
  • Reliability
  • Robotics and Mechatronics
  • Rotordynamics
  • Sustainable Energy Systems
  • Transportation Machinery
  • Tribology
  • Vibrations