Opening address by Nobuyuki Iwatsuki (Tokyo Tech.), President of Jc-IFToMM
Session 1: Machine Elements and Materials (9:05 - 10:25)
Chair: Hitoshi Kimura (Tamagawa Univ.)
9:05 |
Analysis of a motion of a steel ball ruled by contact with grooves on upper and lower tracks
*Yoshiyuki Oyama, D. Matsuura, T. Kobayashi (Tokyo Tech.)
(Presentation and paper in Japanese)
9:25 |
Design of origami-inspired fall prevention device based on portability and extension characteristics
*Ryunosuke Natsume, K. Hoshiba, Y. Sugahara, Y. Takeda (Tokyo Tech.), S. Shimono (The KAITEKI Institute, Inc.)
(Presentation in English, paper in Japanese)
9:45 |
Analysis on contact ratio of noncircular gear
*Hikaru Koyama, M. Komori (Kyoto Univ.)
10:05 |
Elastic modulus adjustment of a thermoresponsive biological tissue phantom for safety assessment of energy devices
*Minako Hirabayashi, K. Yamamoto, K. Hara, E. Kobayashi, I. Sakuma (Univ. Tokyo), Y. Akagi (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.)
Break (10:25 - 10:40)
Session 2: Modeling (10:40 - 12:00)
Chair: Akio Yamamoto (Univ. Tokyo)
10:40 |
Discrimination of normal and abnormal lung sounds using auscultation data on a microcomputer
*Shunsuke Komizunai, T. Fujiwara, A. Konno (Hokkaido Univ.)
11:00 |
Adaptive landing of an underactuated leg mechanism constrained with springs
*Yuma Yokota, N. Iwatsuki (Tokyo Tech.)
11:20 |
Effect of dynamic loads on the gravity compensation design of serial robots
*Vu Linh Nguyen (National Chin-Yi Univ. of Technology), C-H. Kuo (Univ. of Wollongong)
11:40 |
Dynamic modeling and parameter identification of an elastic rod for analyzing real fly-fishing
*Ryosuke Hakamata, M. Endo, Y. Sugahara, Y. Takeda (Tokyo Tech.), H. Ishii (Waseda Univ.)
Lunch Break (12:00 - 13:00)
General Assembly of Jc-IFToMM (Jc-IFToMM members only) (13:00 - 14:15)
Break (14:15 - 14:30)
Session 3: Mechanisms: Synthesis and Simulation (14:30 - 15:30)
Chair: Mitsuru Endo (Tokyo Tech.)
14:30 |
A concept of 3D super multi DOF robot arm based on electrostatic layer jamming
*Haitao Wang, S. Yoshimoto, A. Yamamoto (Tokyo Univ.)
14:50 |
A preliminary synthesis of a light and compact wearable cable-driven parallel robot for wrist joint rehabilitation
*Giovanni Colucci, A. Botta, M. Verutti, C. Visconte, G. Quaglia (Politecnico di Torino), Y-C. Liu, Y. Takeda (TokyoTech.)
15:10 |
Graphic user interface for motion, simulation and evaluation of a parallel cable driven robot
*Vincenzo Pugliese (University of Calabria), F. Ennaiem, J. Sandoval (University of Poitiers), G. Carbone (University of Calabria), M. A. Laribi (University of Poitiers)
Break (15:30 - 15:45)
Session 4: Medical Applications (15:45 - 16:45)
Chair: Takashi Harada (Kindai University)
15:45 |
The development of skill evaluation system for laparoscopic surgical procedure
*Koki Ebina, T. Abe, K. Hotta, M. Higuchi, J. Furumido, N. Iwahara, M. Kon, S. Komizunai, Y. Kurashima, H. Kikuchi, R. Matsumoto, T. Osawa, S. Murai (Hokkaido Univ.), T. Tsujita (National Defense Academy of Japan), K. Sase (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), X. Chen (Hirosaki Univ.), N. Shinohara, A. Konno (Hokkaido Univ.)
16:05 |
An experimental characterization of respiration biomechanics by a Holter device
*Matteo Aquilini, M. Ceccarelli, M. D’Onofrio, V. Ambrogi (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
16:25 |
DOT PAQUITOP: a mobile robotic assistant for the hospital environment
*Luigi Tagliavini, L. Baglieri, A. Botta, G. Colucci, P. Cavallone, C. Visconte, G. Quaglia (Politecnico di Torino)
Break (16:45 - 17:00)
Session 5: Machine Dynamics (16:20 - 17:40)
Chair: Daisuke Matsuura (Tokyo Tech.)
17:00 |
Effective approach to modeling the hydrodynamic response of a multibody system with suspended load in the time domain
*Oleg Makarov, T. Harada (Kindai Univ.)
17:20 |
Nonlinear model predictive control of omnidirectional robots using a spraying unit
*Rocco Galati, G. Mantriota, G. Reina (Polytechnic University of Bari)
17:40 |
Discriminant analysis of the vibrational dynamics of a gas microturbine with different fuels
*Mario Spirto, S. Savino, G. Quaremba, C. Cosenza, A. Nicolella, V. Niola (University of Naples Federico II)
Break (18:00 - 18:15)
Closing Ceremony
Partnership ceremony between IFToMM Italy and Jc-IFToMM
Young Investigator Fund, Best Paper Award Ceremony
Chair: Atsushi Konno (Hokkaido Univ.)
Closing address by Masaharu Komori (Kyoto Univ.), Vice-president of Jc-IFToMM